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Play Again

by Soul Button

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After the success of ʻShadowsʼ and a string of recognised remixes, the anonymous dj and producer Soul Button is ready to ʻPlay Againʼ with another tantalising release. This second helping of masterfully produced music comes with the same endearing heart that beats so strong within the work of Soul Button and with the purest and most surprising vocals that have become synonymous with the work of this talented artist. The EP features 3 alluring tracks each with their own unique and well crafted sound to help captivate feelings of uncertainty as we brace for the winter months to come.

The EP starts off with the pure and lucid sound of ʻThe Keepersʼ. The unique vocals are a complement to the reflective nature of this swirling track and bring character to the emotional build up of the narrative. A flourishing synth reminiscent of late 90ʼs house music, is the backbone of this well crafted piece and elevates you to a state of muse.

Taking a more progressive stance on the next step is ʻPlay Againʼ, a powerful addition to any set. Filled with grit and laced with sex appeal, the track is a reminder of Soul Buttonʼs dark and yet playful style. Strong vocals stamp attitude into this venomous foot stomper. A devilish blend of percussion is tamed by a strong piano sample but still driven by an enduring bassline.

Closing the chapter on the EP is the haunting sounds of ʻCome To Meʼ, a deep and progressive track that hypnotises. This downtempo trip is a gripping tale of faith and fidelity in all things real. It is brought to life by rich enigmatic vocals and carried by a pulsing African rhythm that leaves you wanting more.


released January 2, 2013

Steyoyoke Recordings


all rights reserved



Soul Button Berlin, Germany

I give away Ethereal emotions !

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