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by Dahu

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North (Original Mix) 00:00 / 08:11
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A name that many have been eagerly anticipating the next moves of, Dahu, has finally shrugged off his elusiveness and stepped out of the shadows. Emerging onto the scene with his much accredited debut EP ‘Deep in the Woods’, the young artist has set high standards for himself and looks set push off even further within the scene with his latest EP ‘North’.

‘North‘ is a dark, moody affair that features two originals and a remix from Nick Devon each screaming with attitude.

Title track ‘North’ upholds the feeling of the EP, full of energy and yet enigmatic in its dark undertones. Haunting synth lines circulate around a bellowing bassline, whilst glass bells and falling keys give added texture and atmosphere to this murky tale.

Nick Devon steps up with his take on ‘North, with a remix that sharpens the elements of the original. Expertly balanced kickdrums lay against finely tuned hi-hats to give this remix a more classic house vibe.

Closing the book is ‘How Do They Know’, a delicately deep track that seals the deal at the end of the night. Backed by a structured bassline that sits below sub, synth stabs become more and more melodic whilst strong piano chords fuel the emotion.


released January 27, 2014

Steyoyoke Recordings


all rights reserved



Dahu Berlin, Germany

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